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Pandit for Marriage in Bangalore (15+yrs Exp):
Book Hindu Wedding Priest

Pandit for Marriage in Bangalore
(15+yrs Exp): Book Hindu
Wedding Priest


Need Pandit for Marriage in Bangalore? We provide you the best North and South Indian Hindu Wedding Priest or Pandit for Marriage in Bangalore, India.

Contact Us
Pandit Ashutosh Pandey

Pandit Ashutosh Pandey

Years of Experience: More than 10 years in puja path
Completed his Degree: in Shastri and Jyotish Acharya
Well Versed in Puja Traditions as per Regions: Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand
In Bangalore since: 2012
Specialized In: Proficient Kathavachak in Bhagvat Ramayana, Sundarkand, Hari Kirtan, Rudravisek, Bhajan Kirtan
Puja’s Performed: More than 3000 pujas
Pandit Bharat Kumar

Pandit Bharat Kumar

Years of Experience: More than 12 years in puja path
Completed his Degree: PG Diploma in Sanskrit, Completed Yajurveda and Rigveda
Well Versed in Puja Traditions as per Regions: Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamilnadu, Karnataka
In Bangalore since: 2008
Specialized In: Gurahaparvesha, Satayanrayana pooja, Namakarana, Marriage and all types of Homa
Puja’s Performed: More than 5000 pujas
Pandit Hem Chandra Joshi

Pandit Hem Chandra Joshi

Years of Experience: More than 12 years in puja path
Completed his Degree: in Shastri and Jyotish Acharya
Well Versed in Puja Traditions as per Regions: Kumaoni, Garhwali, Uttrakhand, Uttar Pradesh
In Bangalore since: 2008
Specialized In: Proficient Kathavachak in Bhagwat Kath and Ram Katha
Puja’s Performed: More than 3000 pujas
Pandit Jayaram Sharma

Pandit Jayaram Sharma

Years of Experience: More than 12 years in puja path
Completed his Degree: of learnings from Upadyaya Chakravarthi Br Sri Rashamani Vadhyar(Dwi vedhi – Rigveda and Yajurveda) and Br Sri Sankaranarayana Vadhyar, and also from Br Sri Narasimha Sastrigal
Well Versed in Puja Traditions as per Regions: Kerala, Tamilnadu, Karnataka
In Bangalore since: 2011
Specialized In: Poorva Apara Prayogam(Vedic rituals & rites) & Bhagavatiseva(special pooja for godess durga), Grahapravesham, Sri Sathyanarayana Pooja, Navagraha Shanthi Homam and other pujas
Puja’s Performed: More than 3000 pujas
Pandit Subodh Pandey

Pandit Subodh Pandey

Years of Experience: More than 15 years in puja path
Completed his Degree: in Shastri and Jyotish Acharya
Well Versed in Puja Traditions as per Regions: Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Punjab, Odisha, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Bengal and Uttranchal
In Bangalore since: 2004
Specialized In: Proficient Sangitmay Kathavachak in Bhagvat Ramayana, Sundarkand, Hari Kirtan, Rudravisek, Bhajan Kirtan
Puja’s Performed: More than 3000 pujas
Pandit Manjunath

Pandit Manjunath

Years of Experience: More than 12 years in puja path
Completed his Degree: PG Diploma in Sanskrit, Completed Yajurveda and Rigveda
Well Versed in Puja Traditions as per Regions: Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamilnadu, Karnataka
In Bangalore since: 2010
Specialized In: Gurahaparvesha, Satayanrayana Puja, Namakarana and other pujas
Puja’s Performed: More than 3000 pujas
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#142/1, 17th Cross, 18th Main
JP Nagar 5th Phase, Bengaluru
Karnataka 560078